Usually it can double or triple your FPS.
'Bedrock:' A full breakdown of Minecraft's two major versions and which one you should buy. OptiFine HD is a mod for Minecraft that boosts your FPS and supports HD textures. Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0. Top Minecraft Servers lists some of the Best 1.12.2 Minecraft Servers on the web to play on. You can see more differences between "Java" and "Bedrock" by checking out our article, " 'Minecraft Java' vs. There is an incompatibility of the shaders with Optifine & maybe Java that says that Optifine has inside a shader mod but I tried to use any shaderpack and MC crashed. Important: Like most modifications, OptiFine only works with "Minecraft: Java Edition." There's no official version of OptiFine for "Minecraft: Bedrock Edition."
Here are two ways to install and use OptiFine, depending on whether or not you want to use it with other mods.
It's different from mods in how it's installed and runs, but is similar in that it changes how the game looks and works. OptiFine also gives you access to tons of new texture packs and HD shaders to make your game look as good as possible, as well a few useful new gameplay mechanics, including the famous "OptiFine You just put OptiFine jar, MixinLoader, and OptiForge to mods folder, and enjoy the. You'll find your OptiFine controls in the main menu under Options > Video Settings. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Now that OptiFine is installed, you can start playing Here's how: Open the Minecraft Launcher and click the arrow to the left of the PLAY button. hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Optifine HD for Minecraft 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4 and 1.13.2 is a mod that promises a. It's a "Minecraft: Java Edition" optimizer, allowing computers with less memory and less powerful graphics cards to run the game more smoothly. Minecraft 1.12.2 Mods (2550 posts) Minecraft 1.11.2 Mods (1229 posts) Minecraft 1.10.2 Mods (1471 posts) Minecraft 1.9.4 Mods (702 posts). OptiFine is a versatile program that many "Minecraft" players can't imagine going without, particularly when playing on a less capable computer.